RCM UPDATE - Red Komodo to Alexa PowerGrade and LU
Accurately match the Komodo to the ARRI Alexa. Available as a LUT, PowerGrade or as a PowerGrade and LUT bundle.
Installation and usage instructions can be found here.
Komodo2Alexa VS a real Alexa
Komodo2Alexa + FilmUnlimited Graded Shots
The following footage is graded using the Komodo2Alexa LogC camera match component plus FilmUnlimited.

Red Komodo to Alexa LogC LUT: Transform Komodo footage to match the Alexa in it’s native LogC format. Requires a Rec709 output conversion such as one of the ARRI LogC2Video LUTs below or any other LUT or Colour Space Transform designed for ARRI LogC footage.
ARRI LogC2Video LUTs: The latest ARRI LogC to Rec709 LUT in three different curves. Standard, Standard V2 and Wide Dynamic Range V2 (WDR V2).
Post-Production Rec709 LUTs: The Komodo to Alexa LogC conversion combined with the Standard V2 and WDR V2 Rec709 output LUTs above. Created at x65 precision for post-production use.
In-Camera/On-Set Rec709 LUTs: Same as above but created at x33 precision for compatibility. Used to preview the transform on the Komodo or external monitors.
No Snake Oil
Komodo2Alexa PowerGrade: Match Komodo footage to the Alexa in it’s native LogC format. Includes Rec709 conversion LUT to complete the transform.
Komodo2Alexa RCM PowerGrade: Match Komodo footage to the Alexa using Resolve’s Color Managed (RCM) Workflow
Komodo2Alexa IPP2 PowerGrade: Match Komodo footage to the Alexa using Resolve’s Color Managed IPP2 workflow.
Komodo2Alexa ACES PowerGrade: The Komodo ACES IDT doesn’t seem to be finalised. I will release an ACES update when Red complete the IDT.
ARRI LogC2Video LUTs: The latest ARRI LogC to Rec709 LUT in three different curves. Standard, Standard V2 and Wide Dynamic Range V2 (WDR V2).
In-Camera/On-Set Rec709 LUTs: Same as above but created at x33 precision for compatibility. Used to preview the transform on the Komodo or external monitors.
No Snake Oil
If you grade in Premiere or any other NLE, or you just want to apply LUTs to quickly get footage out, the LUT version is the way to go.
If you mainly grade in Resolve, the PowerGrade is the way to go. The PowerGrade gives you maximum flexibility and quality, while also allowing you to make adjustments to the transform.
If you do a bit of both, grab the PowerGrade and LUT bundle.
The PowerGrade version has has been updated with a new Resolve Color Managed (RCM) PowerGrade. This allows you to match the Alexa in RCM workflows when using Davinci Wide Gamut / Davinci Intermediate.
This is a free update. Get in touch if you have not received an update email. Please include your Invoice number or Stripe/Paypal address so I can track you down in the system.
04.09.2020 Initial release
For questions, comments or if you need LUT/PowerGrade support contact me at support@juanmelara.com.au