GEN5 & RCM UPDATE - URSA Mini Pro G2 to Alexa PowerGrade and LUT
Accurately match the URSA Mini Pro 4.6k G2 to the ARRI Alexa. Available as a PowerGrade, LUT or a combined bundle. Created using a similar process to the P6K and P4K versions, but further refined to increase and maintain accuracy over differing lighting conditions. For more information on the creation process and the benefits of a PowerGrade over a LUT, visit the P6K2Alexa product page.
Installation and Usage Instructions
For work in progress installation and usage instructions see this page.
I often get asked what these “2Alexa” transforms look like when graded. The goal with the original P6K2Alexa transform was to accurately match the Alexa so that I could use the same grades on both cameras. I needed a high level of accuracy so that I didn’t need to make any camera specific adjustments for the grades to work on the P6K. I wanted to just apply P6K2Alexa and then append the Alexa grade with no need to tweak beyond basic balancing operations. I can report that not only has this been possible, but I now actually use the P6K to shoot material which I then use for look development. These looks are then carried over to the Alexa with no modifications. A lot easier to do with the smaller, lighter and less power hungry P6K than a full Alexa or even an Alexa Mini.
The below frames are G2URSA2Alexa LogC with an existing Alexa grade. No modifications beyond the standard contrast/pivot, offset etc.

UMP 4.6K G2 to Alexa LogC LUT: Transform UMP 4.6K G2 footage to match the Alexa in it’s native LogC format. Three main versions, Input Scaled to work with data above 1.0, for use in Resolve, Standard to work with software that doesn’t support the former feature. And Premiere, created for Adobe Premiere Pro. The latter allows you to decode BRAW images as ACEScct gamma to prevent excursions above the top of the waveform. The LUT internally handles the conversion from ACEScct to BMDFilm, applies the G2URSA2Alexa transform and outputs LogC. These LUTs require a Rec709 output conversion such as one of the ARRI LogC2Video LUTs below or any other LUT or Colour Space Transform designed for ARRI LogC footage.
ARRI LogC2Video LUTs: The latest ARRI LogC to Rec709 LUT in four different curves. Standard, Wide Dynamic Range (WDR), WDR Highlights and WDR Roll-Off.
Post-Production Rec709 LUTs: The UMP 4.6K G2 BMDFilm to Alexa LogC conversion combined with the four Rec709 output LUTs above. Created at x65 precision.
In-Camera/On-Set Rec709 LUTs: Same as above but created at x33 precision for compatibility. Used to preview the transform on the UMP 4.6K G2 or external monitors.
No Snake Oil
G2URSA2Alexa PowerGrade: Transform UMP 4.6K G2 BMDFilm Gen4/Gen5 to match the Alexa in it’s native LogC format. Basically the source code for almost everything above except for the Input Scaled and WDR versions of the LUTs.
The G2URSA2Alexa PowerGrade operates in Resolve’s 32bit float space, meaning it won’t clip, clamp or lose information. It also allows you to adjust all aspects of the transform, although I don’t really recommend this unless you know what you’re doing!
G2URSA2Alexa RCM PowerGrade: Allows you to match the Alexa in RCM workflows when using Davinci Wide Gamut / Davinci Intermediate.
ARRI LogC2Video LUTs: The latest ARRI LogC to Rec709 LUT in four different curves. Standard, Wide Dynamic Range (WDR), WDR Highlights and WDR Roll-Off.
In-Camera/On-Set Rec709 LUTs: Same as above but created at x33 precision for compatibility. Used to preview the transform on the UMP 4.6K G2 or external monitors.
No Snake Oil
If you mainly grade in Resolve, the PowerGrade is the way to go. The PowerGrade gives you maximum flexibility and quality, while also allowing you to make adjustments to the transform.
If you grade in Premiere or any other NLE, or you just want to apply LUTs to quickly get footage out, the LUT version is the way to go.
The PowerGrade and LUTs have now been updated to be fully Gen5 compatible. The in-camera LUTs are still Gen4, but have been updated with the V2 version of the Rec709 LUTs to bring them into line with all the other 2Alexa in-camera LUTs.
If you purchased the PowerGrade version, I’ve also included a new Resolve Color Managed (RCM) PowerGrade. This allows you to match the Alexa in RCM workflows when using Davinci Wide Gamut / Davinci Intermediate.
This is a free update. Get in touch if you have not received an update email. Please include your Invoice number or Paypal address so I can track you down in the system.
09.07.2020 Initial release
For questions, comments or if you need LUT/PowerGrade support contact me at
I want to hear your feedback. Let me know how it performs and any ideas for improvements.