
Director / Cinematographer / Colorist

Insider Knowledge - An easier way to grade log footage

It's been a while!

So I've finally got around to working on some new tutorials. Up first is a couple of techniques I've been using lately to make grading log footage easier. The basic idea behind this technique is to non-destructively transform log footage into a space thats easier to work with and then back again.

This is achieved by using the genius Color Space Transform OFX plugin inside Resolve.

Color Space Transform

The first technique will be of interest to beginners as it makes log footage as easy to grade as standard video. I occasionally use it when working with particularly challenging shots, or if I want another perspective or want to get out of my comfort zone.

The second technique is my preferred method of working with log footage originating from Sony, Panasonic or Blackmagic cameras. I actually use it on almost all projects shot on those cameras.

In the video I also discuss a few issues you might encounter and how to resolve them. But leave a comment if you need further help.

Coming up next...

So over the last few months I've drawn up a large list of possible tutorial topics. Most of these come from a new technique or way I've solved a problem on a commercial job. And most of these techniques aren't being used or at least aren't being talked about by anyone else producing tutorials. So they very much are insider knowledge. So stay tuned...